Why Marriage Fails in Beginning

Why Marriage Fails from Beginning

Boy meets girl and their relationship begins to fail. Why?

  1. Their individual personality traits set up conflicts that erode the relationship as long as they know each other. By learning what the conflicts are they may control them for a happier life– but few ever do.

  2. When they fall in love the Love Chemicals trick them into believing they have eight vital relationship skills that disappear with the chemicals in six months.

  3. Each grows up without developing vital relationship skills that would prevent unhappy relationships or marriage. They never develop those skills.

  4. A select number of core personality traits irritate them daily to cause disruptive arguments and then fights.

  5. Each does not understand their emotions or how to control them.

  6. The marriage will take one of three directions: 50% will divorce, 45% will have a lifeless marriage or 5% will get professional help and enjoy a happy, vibrant marriage.
