Jesus and the Fishermen

Jesus, early in his ministry, called fishermen to leave their nets and become fishers of men. He grew up in Nazareth of Galilee and had spent time as a boy no doubt playing around the boats of Peter and Andrew. In his later ministry he used many examples from fishing, especially pertaining to nets. He had talked to these two brothers as they spent the majority of their time washing and mending their nets. They had plenty of time to answer the boy’s questions and probably let him help. It wasn’t that these brothers left in poverty to follow Jesus. They were very successful and could pay helpers to carry on the business. They probably found it a great relief to leave such tedious work to follow this fascinating child become a man in order to care for others. Whatever their motivation, they made a big change in actively loving others instead of working for profit as businessmen. There is no evidence that they ever returned to their boats.

When we at Counseling Services Atlanta Group, LLC declared 2022 as Love Year, it was because of a change in our counseling methods. We were already challenging our clients to make different choices than they had all their lives. Employers have forever forced good people to forsake the love of family for the purpose of keeping their jobs. The purpose of the job is to make money. We began challenging our clients to put love of family above the importance of love of money. This doesn’t mean to stop working or stop doing their best for the employer. It means not working unnecessarily, too much, as an excuse not to relate. Instead of making one more call, call your wife and ask about her day so far or text your child at school to say you love him or her. It may only take a minute and that will not harm your employer. The importance is that you have changed your perspective from making money as more important to loving your family as most important. God will bless you.