Twelve Steps to a Perfect Marriage or Relationship

Twelve Steps to a Perfect Marriage or Relationship

Marriages and relationships become stale and often fail because the couple has no guide. Nearly all therapists agree that the following 12 ways lead to a perfect marriage. Pin the list next to you bathroom mirror and live one each day. Let my guide lead you back to a happier relationship than you have ever had.

Twelve Ways to Have a Perfect Marriage

1. A daily expression of love in action. Show the other that you love him or her.
2. Be happy to see the other when he or she comes home. Like a dog wagging his tail.
3. Continuously grow intimacy through talking and acts of love.
4. Enjoy passionate sex.
5. Have good communication with few arguments
6. Make sure you feel heard.
7. Express appreciation for who the other is. Like how pretty, smart, creative, resourceful, etc
8. Acknowledge the other for what he or she does. Mowing lawn, cooking, etc
9. Create or maintain peace that pervades home and work.
10. Meet the other’s needs unselfishly. Put the other first in thought and action.
11. Talk conversations through to conclusion or compromise by end of day.
12. Have absolute trust in fidelity of other.

Lane A Stokes, LPC 404-487-1956