Let’s Reshuffle the Cards Life Dealt You
Are you old enough to remember when the “Weedeater” hit the market? I’m sure I was one of the first to buy it The ad promised the end to the old slingblade that had worn out my shoulders for a few decades. I took it out of the package, plugged it into a 100 ft extension cord, pulled the trigger and listened to that sweet buzzing of the thick polyester cord. Then I bumped it on the ground, heard the snap of the end of that cord and applied it to the weeds that had been mocking my sore shoulders for weeks. Gone! Those pesky tall weeds were gone to weed heaven. It was so much fun! Who ever heard of work being fun? But we menfolk do love our toys technology has provided over the years: gasoline powered lawn mowers, chainsaws, hedge clippers, leaf blowers, etc. They have made our chores fun!
Every time I teach my course “Let’s Reshuffle the Cards Life Dealt You” I have fun using my new tool. Before discovering and developing this method, I had no way of knowing what exactly was going on inside my patients or client’s bodies and minds. Now I could see in a visual pattern exactly why they thought, talked, acted and felt as they did. So could they. Imagine living a lifetime being controlled by these four inner forces and not being able to take the control back. Of course, the person has no choice over what life experiences do. There is no rule book that comes with the new attitude or belief. One simply goes along and thinks, talks, acts or feels in the ways dictated by those life events. Now I’ve sent that lack of choice and control into outer space. My patients and clients now have choices and controls over many things that make them healthier and happier–and their families. Learn more about this course on website articles, blogs and You Tube videos as they come out in the coming weeks. For immediate information or to reserve a space in this six week course, email me at [email protected]. Until you take the course, keep slinging and sweating through life.
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