Why Counseling? Its Slow Death Part 10

The popular ads for investor-based companies promise therapists $100,000 a year. Let’s do the math together. To earn $100,000 a year a counselor would have to earn $2000 a week. Divide $40 into $2000 and get 50 sessions a week at $40. Why $40? That’s the...

Why Counseling? Its Slow Death Part 9

Why Counseling? Its Slow Death Part 9 We have two more articles about the slow death of counseling. Tomorrow I will talk about counseling provided by investor-based companies and the particular problems. The next day I will end with a type of summary about where we go...

Why Counseling? Its Slow Death Part 8

Last Friday I talked about how so many effective counselors are using their expertise in creating on-line courses. They have to. Its like 1992 when Managed Care Insurance took over and the best counselors couldn’t compete. Unfortunately for them, online...

Why Counseling? Its Slow Death Part 7

Yesterday I told you that I wrote a book about how to be married happily and successfully but few have bought it. It is a simple formula. Follow the steps and be happily married in three months or more. I thought it would sell like hotcakes. Thousands of books have...

Why Counseling? Its Slow Death Part 6

Why Counseling? Its Slow Death Part 6 If you have read the last five articles on the slow death of counseling, perhaps you wonder about the value of counseling overall. What does it say that only 52% of Americans utilize it? First of all, most counseling treats mental...