Take the Quiz to discover what exactly causes the issues in your relationship.

1. Do you verbally express appreciation daily for who the other is or what the other does?
2. Do you listen to every word the other says? Could you repeat them verbatim if asked?
3. Do you understand the meaning of each phrase spoken, including the hidden meanings?
4. Can you define the exact emotion you feel at any moment? Exact emotion of the other?
5. Do you enjoy passionate sex together at least three times a week?
6. Do you risk talking about subjects that make you uncomfortable at least once a week?
7. Can you identify causes for subjects you fight about over and over without resolution?
8. Can you talk through issues to completion or compromise the same day they come up?

All eight refer to skills that we did not learn while growing up. We instead learned less effective skills that we have practiced all our lives, thus practicing failure in relationships. Practicing failure has created certain barriers that may require the assistance of a licensed professional counselor. This category includes psychologists and psychiatrists as well as counselors.

A person with average intelligence can learn all eight skills. Some may require assistance from a licensed professional counselor. When they can not perform them as directed , that is evidence that barriers exist that will require a professional to discover, eradicate or control.

Lane A. Stokes, L.P.C. of Counseling Services Atlanta Group, LLC
Copyright 2020

NOW that you have determined which of the 8 you need to improve, contact Lane at email: [email protected] to learn how to proceed to your best advantage. There is no charge for the consultation and no obligations. Everything said will be held in strictest confidence.