
I knew that I had resolved the issues of marriage when I could restore to couples the passionate love they had felt in the beginning. The beginning of their love was brought about by mating chemicals that caused them to fall in love. Those chemicals also convinced them of having eight vital abilities that evaporated after six months when the chemicals lost their effect. Unfortunately, the couple believed they still had the abilities and married. It was a cruel trick Mother Nature used to cause them to mate and marry, a set up for marriage failure expressed in divorce statistics of 50% of marriages failing.
The way that I have restored the love and passion of marriage has been to teach the couple the skills they thought Mother Nature had given them in the beginning. Unfortunately, I’ve had to first learn to eradicate all the issues their failure at marriage developed during the years after the chemicals lost their effect. I call those issues to be eradicated “communication structures”.

Marriage can be easy and loving again, even moreso than in the beginning. It will not be as easy because now there are bad habits to break and new skills to learn. The good news is that I have never found a couple who cannot have this great love–with few exceptions.