Divorce Trap

Why is Divorce called a trap? Is there no way out once a couple brings up the word during an argument? Think of the comparison between a toothache and a marriage. The person with a toothache will put off going to a dentist until the pain becomes too great. A married couple will put off going to a marriage counselor until the pain becomes too great also, but there is a vast difference between tooth pain, which is physical and marital pain that is emotional. Couples tend to wait a lot longer when it is emotional pain—–most often years. When the person has the tooth pulled, the pain ends. By the time a couple sees a marriage counselor, they have usually accumulated ten to twenty unresolved issues, any one of which could end the marriage. By the time they see the counselor, they normally feel overwhelmed and helpless, unable to see any way out but divorce. As a matter of fact, most couples in that state go directly to the divorce attorney. Sometimes, the couple will seek counseling first, but if the counselor doesn’t save their marriage in a session or two, they will head to the attorney for relief.

Divorce Prevention Therapy was developed precisely to save a marriage from divorce in the first session. The therapist is able to handle ten to twenty serious issues at the same time, while correcting the many ineffective ways the couple uses in communication. Normal marriage counselors cannot do this because they have not been trained to handle chaos nor do they have the decades of experience needed. They handle only one or two issues at a time. When a couple ends the first session of Divorce Prevention Therapy, they have witnessed resolution and thus feel hope that this counselor will be able to make their marriage work in ways they never could.

Lane A. Stokes of Counseling Services Atlanta, LLC is credited with developing Divorce Prevention Therapy. As a Marriage Counselor of 32 years, he began noticing a trend that most couples coming for counseling were already on the verge of divorce. He had never noticed this before. Curiosity caused him to scrutinize reasons why marriages were progressing toward destruction much faster than ever before. It soon became clear that while few couples had ever used effective communication skills, modern stressors were demanding faster resolution of issues than possible for couples. This extra pressure was causing feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that drove couples to divorce attorneys for a quicker solution to pain, than to marriage counselors who traditionally had taken too long to ease that pain. He developed Divorce Prevention Therapy to relieve that pressure so couples would never have to consider going through with a divorce. Family attorneys have praised Divorce Prevention Therapy as a god-send for those couples the attorney feels should not divorce.